Thursday, May 25, 2006

Taking a Bite out of English

Photo from Roy Pequeno.
At Saint George's College, I teach three 5th grade English Clubs(Storytelling, Exploring Nature, and Living Well). These are basically required English electives that allow the students to experiment with the language in a fun manner. Thursday mornings I teach the Living Well Club, which basically shows students how to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

After talking about the Food Pyramid Concept, my students looked hungry. I mean - I tortured them by talking about food and not providing healthy snacks. Vanessa (the teacher who plans the Living Well lessons and I just follow them in my class) decided that we should cook in class.

So one Thurday I had the students work in groups and pick a healthy sandwich. In thier small groups they had to write all the ingredients and steps needed to prepare their sandwich in English.

The following Thursday my students got to "cook" sandwiches in class. Each brought his/he own ingredients and went to town. Some of my students made very delcious and healthy sandwiches ad others well . . . didn't.

The end result was my classroom being a mess, most of my students dirty, and me beat. Cooking is tiring . . . imagine doing it was 18 fifth graders.


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