So I was only planning on being gone for a day or so on this little trip to Lota, what was I thinking? The night before we were gonna leave, I got asked if I wouldnt mind switching places with Victoria´s husband in the car because they couldnt get tickets back to Santiago and Christian had to work. Being the nice guy that I am, I said of course...figuring I would be back home Monday night.
Sunday- original day to go back home- My HCAers left and I stayed with the Capoiera Team. We went to the pool, another beach, and a really awesome park. At the pool we chilled. Then the team started throwing people into the water. I tried fighting off 5 team members and ended up losing - making an awesome splash as I hit the freezing water. The only thing that made me smile was that I took one of the team members down with me. Both at the beach and the park, I saw the team do thier presentations which lasted an hour tops. The beach presentation was alright. But once the team got done, there was like a farewell to summer beach party. So a few of us joined in on the games and dancing. Even Arturo and Lula (Renzo´s daughter) got into the mood and danced with each other. In the evening we (Carolina, Victoria, Arturo, Niko, and I) all went to spend the night at Govy´s house in Talcahuano.
Monday - Got to go see the port city Talcahuano. At the port I got to see Sea Lions or Lobo marinos just swimming around. In the evening Renzo and Mathis came to join the sleepover.
Tuesday - We went to go see a historical ship the HUASCAR. I was cool and interesting to see this ship that is part of the Chilean Naval Port. Govy´s dad was part of the Navy so we were able to get in quickly. Then in the evening the guys practiced some Capoiera and that was about it. I called my parents to tell them that they should not call me cause I was in a different city and completely forgot to wish them a Happy Valentine´s Day. Today is when I started wondering when I would get home.
Wednesday- We leave Talcahuano and I get back home.
My vacation was really fun and I had a blast. However, next time I would like to have more that two pair of clothes to wear for three days.